Bockman Cheung

Welcome to Bockman Cheung’s webpage! I am a second year undergraduate at UCLA in math.

Academic Focus

I’m interested in Algebraic Geometry, Class Field Theory, and Riemannian Geometry.

In pedestrian’s terms, Algebraic Geometry studies solutions of systems of equations, Class Field Theory seeks to describe a class of “nice” (abelian Galois) extensions of fields, Riemannian Geometry is the most generalized version of Euclidean Geometry to e.g. spherical geometry (the Earth we live in!).

Tangentially interested: Algebraic Topology, Lie Theory, Representation Theory, Complex Geometry.


  • Political theories, in particular classical liberalism, socialism, and anarchism. Political Activism and Social Justice is a big part of my life.
  • Classical Piano: Bach’s Goldberg Variations, Chopin’s Ballade No.4, and anything Bach/Romantic/Modern/Extremely modern.
  • Literature: Shakespeare (9/38 plays completed!), Milton (Paradise Lost), Joyce (Ulysses), and all kinds of poetry.
  • Daily Bruin
  • Middle-distance Running
  • Language Learning: Español, Français, Lingua Latina

Fun classes I’ve taken here

  • MUS 20A Music Theory I
  • MUS 30B Piano Literature: Romantic era and beyond
  • Eng 90 Shakespeare
  • JAPAN 70 Anime
  • French 1